5 Reasons You Should Outsource Your Digital Marketing

When you try to handle all of your digital marketing in-house, there are a number of things that could go wrong. Unforseen costs and ineffective use of your employees’ time to name a few. There’s so much to digital marketing that make it a behemoth for any company to handle. Hiring a local digital marketing agency can lighten the burden, and here’s why.

1) A digital marketing agency is more cost-efficient.

Digital marketing encompasses many types of online marketing, like social media, content marketing, email campaigns—the list goes on. In order for all of these tactics to align and be managed efficiently, it takes experts well-versed in these specific disciplines. You wouldn’t hire your house painter to also do your landscaping even though he’s artistic. Hiring professionals with the proper experience is essential.

Consider the costs of hiring an internal social media marketing team or a whole team of creatives, then training them on the brand and marketing strategies. Instead of paying for unnecessary payroll, you should be paying for results. An established digital marketing agency is hired to produce results—to meet your KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). Not only this, but they also have the most up-to-date technology to produce these results and handle a large scope of assets. A one-stop-shop digital marketing agency is your smartest choice.

2) An agency will save you time.

Asking your employees to take on additional digital marketing is a big ask, especially if it’s outside of their job description. It can actually slow your business down. While they’re trying to learn new software or manage more projects, their other projects could suffer.

Content marketing is one area of digital marketing that requires dedicated, seasoned experts—writers with content marketing experience. Your marketing managers may write great emails, but they are, more than likely, not copywriters. With help from these wordsmiths, everyone else can focus on core competencies. And don’t skimp on content marketing—it’s 62% more cost-efficient than outward-bound marketing and generates 3 times the leads.1

3) Experts will get you results.

With a digital marketing agency, you can get your project management, design and writing, buying and analytics taken care of all under one roof. Because some agencies handle everything, all work is streamlined in order to produce solid results. Make sure that when you hire an agency they’re willing to share real-time results with you. It’s important to have first-hand access to your campaigns’ performance.

Establishing trust with your agency will come with time, but opting for a local digital marketing agency may escalate that. When your agency is in your backyard, it’s easier to meet and discuss goals, results and resolutions in person. A local agency can offer greater accuracy for your campaigns, too.

4) A local digital marketing agency can increase conversions.

46% of all online searches are local.2 That means your ad content should be relevant to your most local audience. For example, a mom with a blog chock-full of helpful parenting tips and local daycare recommendations would appeal more to a local mom-to-be rather than one who lives across the country.

A local agency can help you determine audience segments and target them on a more local scale. They can create content that’s more relevant to this local audience, and they can implement local search engine optimization (SEO). Using local keywords on your website and in your ads will help your audience find you more easily. Ranking high is the name of the game and can lead to more conversions.

Your digital marketing agency’s SEO experts are up-to-date on the latest, trending keywords and phrases and have the resources to learn which are best to improve your company’s ranking. Lean on your agency for SEO, and finding other market trends.

Plus being local means you can meet with your digital marketing team, hash out ideas and inform them on up and coming events or important news their audience would want to know about.

5) An agency is trend savvy.

Even the biggest trendwatchers in your company may not have the time to dive into the research you need. A digital marketing agency stays tuned into all marketing trends in order to propose proper strategies. They have access to data and spend time analyzing it, breaking it down from channel to channel, campaign to campaign. Instead of guess-and-checking your ads, an expert can guide you in the best direction from the get-go, saving you time and money.

All in all, outsourcing your digital marketing to a local agency is beneficial. It will keep your employees focused on the roles they do best and give you a leg up on your competitors. You’ll save time and money by having experts on your side. Aggro Creative is one of those digital agencies that offers everything. Contact us to see how we can meet your digital marketing needs.

1 – McCoy, Julia, “9 Stats That Will Make You Want to Invest in Content Marketing,” Content
Marketing Institute, Oct. 22, 2017. https://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2017/10/stats-invest-content-marketing/
2 – Shaw, Bradley, “33 Local SEO Stats That Every Search Marketer Should Read,” SEO Expert. https://seoexpertbrad.com/local-seo-stats/
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