Online Video Optimization: SEO Tips for Exposure

Is your video being read properly? With more visitors likely to buy or embrace your products after watching an online video, how to optimize your videos on your website is another task for your SEO.

Though complex video SEO applications are available, you don’t have to acquire a whole new set of skills to get started. Though search engines can’t see your videos, applying the general principles of on-page SEO elements to your video establishes a strong initial SEO platform. The first three to embrace are:

  • Titles – Optimize video titles to get attention.
  • Descriptions – Include relevant keywords here.
  • Tags – Smart research makes a big difference.

Relevant keywords are still important for the titles and tags that help describe the true content of your video. They play an important role in getting the attention and respect of the search engines. With videos becoming an essential component of successful websites, make sure yours can be “seen” and “read” by all visitors.

Five Tips to Boost SEO for Video Content

Video is super popular these days, and Google and other search engines reward it with higher rankings in many cases. According to a study, web pages with video are 53 times more likely to rank on the first page of search results. Embedding video on your web page (instead of a third-party such as YouTube) can generate leads and drive referral traffic, ultimately allowing your site to rank higher on search results.

Maximize your video content with these 5 SEO Tips:

  • Include important keywords in your video title and description in a way that is user-friendly.
  • Associate a text transcript with your video not only for accessibility but so search engines can better read your content.
  • Add the video file, a thumbnail image, title, and description information to your page to allow search engines to include your video directly in related search results.
  • Keep your video short – this gives your site the opportunity to multiply the number of videos that you can rank highly for.
  • Share your videos on several platforms to attract inbound links that will boost your SEO rankings.

Tracking the View Rates of Your Videos

All YouTube advertisers want their products to “view now.”

You’ve targeted your online audience and produced compelling and relevant YouTube videos. Your in-stream or display campaign is now activated. Now you sit back and wait. But wait for what?

You’re waiting to see what your view rate is. View rate counts the people who viewed your video ad after seeing it on YouTube. It is a ratio showing the number of paid views of your video to the number of impressions generated.

For example, if you had 5 clicks and 1,000 impressions (very easy to get in a YouTube campaign), then your view rate would be 0.5%. Think of view rates being similar to click-through rates (CTR). The value of your video campaign and video marketing is therefore defined by the strength of your view rate.

With the best SEO tips for your video content, some careful research, and making sure search engines and viewers can ‘read’ your video clearly, you can increase the view rate, attract more subscribers, and get more attention on your call to action.

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