4 Ways to Make Your Blog More Popular

Blog popularity. Much more than using keywords.

A few years ago, who would have thought sharing your opinion would become part of digital marketing, but successful online marketing strategies now demand it. But how can you make your blog more popular? To those that have embraced blogging in their social marketing program, make sure your content attracts two different sets of eyes: those that are already looking, and those who haven’t found you yet.

This means you need to keep your content relevant, but also include carefully researched keywords – keywords that improve the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) of your website.

Tip: Have handy a sheet with all your keywords on it. As you write your blog, reference the sheet often, reminding yourself of the importance of producing relevant content for your human audience while embedding keywords for the machines that determine whether your site shows up in a search.

That said, keywords alone aren’t enough anymore if you want people to read your blog. Search engines now require more steps and more integration to determine your blog’s worthiness for high ranking.

Here are 4 ways to make your blog more popular:

  • Make it easy for readers to share your posts by adding all social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Google+) buttons to everything you write.
  • Change the permalink structure to have the blog topic in the link, making it easier to find.
  • Add a subscription button so readers can sign up for more.
  • Include internal links to your own site, and external links to other relevant content.

For all your web design, digital and offline marketing needs, trust Aggro Creative Marketing.

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